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Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Wal-Mart-ization of higher education: How young professors are getting screwed More and more faculty at America's colleges and universities are underpaid and undervalued. Can that change?

1 comment:

  1. My reply:

    With people on Social Security getting $1,269 avg. a month, how is $70K plus plus plus for 9 mo. underpaid when any student can go online and probably get a better education for virtually free? Worse, the unreal environment of a campus allows the educators to treat students like concentration camp inmates, with their own weird rules designed to stifle free thought and speech with "PC" speech, running little Soviet Paradises. Then the institutions engage in shameless nepotism, promoting their own grads in the work world over everybody else, especially the self-taught (home-schooled) ones, even when the latter are better. In many professions no matter how great a work record they will dig your college grades up decades later for promotion purposes, even when the courses themselves are long obsolete. No wonder the U.S. is falling behind. In short, the whole educational establishment is becoming obsolete Luddites, dragging the country down, and they should get a clue and get real jobs after letting online education take over for them. If they don't, the so-called Third World will use online education to bury us all, sorry. We need an Apollo Project to retire the educational establishment and replace it with a new online-based system with a fraction of the personnel, with all teachers told to go freelance and sink or swim based on their own online course offerings.

    Speaking of online course offerings, I've blown the subject of WORLD HISTORY wide open and opened up an insurmountable lead on the entire academic world, and they can play Luddite all they want because my students are leaving them behind. And my charge is ZERO, although my degrees are not accredited by anybody yet. My students just own the field and will one day storm the Bastille. So are there any newbies out there who want to make history by mastering more history than any of the oldies with the fat tenured academic positions? Visit my site now and decide if you want to become a padawan, then burn the bridges and go for it:
